How to Plan Your Project?

Tip #1 -> Develops an action plan that fits on one page

To help you build your action plan, here are 5 suggested steps to consider:

  1. Describe the goal of your plan in one sentence.
  1. A good goal, in order to help you take action, should generally contain these elements:
  1. Your goal should be specific, precise;
  2. Your goal must be measurable, i.e. you can quantify it;
  3. Your objective must be attainable. It must take into account your means and the resources at your disposal;
  4. Your objective must be realistic. It must be achievable while being a little ambitious;
  5. Your objective must be defined in time. 
  1. Example: In three months, I want to buy a guitar and take two lessons a week with a teacher to be able to play a complete song on the guitar.
  1. List the obstacles or challenges you think you will face in achieving your goal;
  2. List the people you know or need to get to know who can help you accomplish your goal and who will be involved in your project;
  3. List the things you will need to succeed in your goal. These may be material things (for example: a guitar, a room to practice your music, transportation, etc.). They can also be intangible things (for example: patience, resilience, etc.) 
  4. Using a calendar, make a realistic timeline of your actions to help you plan and organize them around your personal obligations and those of the people involved in your project.