As the saying goes: "Before knowing where you want to go, it is important to understand where you are now". We propose two small introspective exercises to help you get to know yourself better and to get you to think about yourself, your profile, your ambitions, your dreams, etc.
Exercise #1 - Some questions to ask yourself
The answers will not always come quickly. So take a step back and do this exercise again after a few hours or days. You can write down the answers on a sheet of paper to help you see the big picture. Do you see things that are common? Which responses generated positive emotions for you?
Exercise #2 - Visualization
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Imagine for a moment that you are looking at a camera filming you, right above you. You see yourself in the present place with all the things around you. Then, imagine that this camera starts to fly towards the sky. You see your house or your school from above. You see streets and other buildings. Then the camera continues to fly up into the sky until it leaves the atmosphere and you see the earth from space. Imagine that you go back in time and find yourself 5 years later. The camera then descends from space to get closer to where you will be in 5 years. The camera is now right above you, just as it was at the beginning.
What do you see?
A short exercise that can also help you:
-What is important to me right now in my life?
-Who are the people I can count on?
- What is bothering me in my life, what is difficult or that I would like to change?
- Am I satisfied with my life life right now? Am I happy?
- Who are the people around me that I would I would like to help one day?
-Where will I be in 5 years? Where will I live and with whom?
-What would I like to be doing in 5 years? What job will I have? What will I study in?
-What will my priorities be in 5 years? Will I have the same values as I do today?
-Who will be the people around me in 5 years? New people? The same as now?
-What goal would I like to have accomplished between today and in 5 years?
-How do I see the world in 5 years?
This exercise is a way to compare where you are in your life now and where you want to be in five years. Pay attention to your emotions and feelings when you do this visualization exercise.